We welcome you to Q-IMPLANT
We appreciate you using Q-Implant products and services. The services and products are provided through E y G Medical System SRL, whose address is located in Uriburu 1010 office D, CABA, Argentina, CUIT 30-71015665-0. The use of our Services implies acceptance of these conditions. We recommend you read them carefully.
- The only use of the Site implies the irrevocable and unconditional acceptance by the User / Client of all the terms and conditions set forth herein, assuming the obligation to respect them.
- E y G Medical System SRL reserves the right to make changes to the Site, the conditions of use and the corresponding notifications, at any time, and with the simple modification of this, communicating it through publication on the Site. Likewise, E y G Medical System SRL reserves the right at any time to interrupt the service offered, without prior notice to the Users / Clients, temporarily or definitively, and without requiring the User / Client’s consent at any time.
- Based on what is expressed in point 2 hereof, each time the User / Client wishes to use the Site, they must accept a priori each and every one of the terms and conditions specified herein.
- Protection of personal data: E y G Medical System SRL. has implemented all the processes required for the purposes of Protection of the Personal Data of Users / Clients, in order to prevent misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and / or theft of Personal Data supplied by the User / Client to E y G Medical System SRL. Without prejudice to what is expressed herein, the User / Client accepts and acknowledges that Internet security measures are not unbreakable. The User / Client that supplies their personal data will have the possibility of exercising their right of access to them. You can also rectify them, or request the removal of your name from the database, by sending an email to info@q-implant.com.ar. All information provided will be treated by E y G Medical System SRL in accordance with the terms established in the National Law on Protection of Personal Data N° 25.326.
- By using the site the User / Client accepts the terms and conditions herein and declares under oath to be 18 years of age or older. Parents, guardians or persons responsible for minors under 18 years of age are fully responsible for their use of the Site.
- All the information provided by the User / Client must be true, being the sole responsibility of the User / Client to verify that their data is correctly entered on the Site.
- By using the Site, the User / Client is responsible for the care of the confidentiality of their account and password. Based on what is specified herein, the Client / User is responsible for everything that is registered in their account.
- Indemnity: Likewise, the Site can only be used for lawful purposes. The Client / User agrees to hold harmless E y G Medical System SRL for any type of claim, extrajudicial, administrative or judicial, from any third party, for the use of the Site by the user / Client, or in case of verifying fines and / or debts of any kind depending on the performance or activity carried out by the User / Client on the Site.
- Purchase of Products: the purchase of any product or service published through the Site is subject to stock availability, the approval of the identity of the User / Client, the correct imputation of the credit card or transferred values, as well as the approval by the Customer User of these terms and conditions. Likewise, the technical characteristics of the products may vary, their prices, the prices may not coincide with those offered in the premises of E y G Medical System SRL. The photos or illustrations published on the Site are for illustrative purposes only and the information on the products may vary in case of incorrect or involuntary mistakes.
- Purchasing process: Without prejudice to being detailed the purchase process on the site https://q-implant.ar/web, it is detailed below: 10.1. It is expressly stated that E y G Medical System SRL is not responsible for the reimbursements that must be made by the credit card issuing banks with respect to the current promotions, these issuing entities being solely responsible for making the corresponding reimbursement in due time and form.
10.2. Once the product is chosen, the Client must press the buy button and he will see in his shopping cart the items that he has loaded, being able to modify the quantity or eliminate the ones that he wants.
10.3. Here the Client will find the different means of payments and promotions that are available in online sales.
10.4. If the client is not registered, he can buy by leaving his e-mail address.
10.5. Then you must continue with the purchase process.
10.6. Online sales are made to the credit card holders with which you are going to pay, so you must indicate the street name and the door number where the summary arrives to be validated, and indicate if you receive the holder or another person.
10.7. Then you must confirm or modify the data entered and the fees chosen, to go to an external service authorized by your card for the payment and validation of the data, amounts and payment plan.
10.8. E y G Medical System SRL may contact the User / Client by phone to carry out data validation.
10.9. The result of the operation will be informed to you, and the successful operations will generate the receipt via email to your registration email box, as proof of the same, with the data for any query or doubt after your purchase.
- Prices: All prices published on the Site include IVA. It is expressly stated that the prices published on the Site may be modified and the price stipulated in the invoice will be that of the time of the closing of the purchase by the User / Client.
- Billing: The invoice to be issued will be the Type A Proof for Registered Managers and Type B Proof for Monotributers, this being the only method of invoicing for online sales. They are sent together with the delivery of your purchase.
- Payment Conditions: The Site only operates with credit cards that may vary and its conditions are reported on the corresponding means of payment page, such as in the shopping cart.
Once the User / Client is registered, he will be able to know the available plans of each entity and provider authorized by them, as well as by agreements with E y G Medical System SRL.
E y G Medical System SRL does not collect or store your credit card data, nor does it define the result of the operation, this being the responsibility of each issuing entity.
- Deliveries: The shipping methods and costs provided by E y G Medical System SRL will depend on the quantity of products and the place of delivery of the same. Deliveries will be made from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the address indicated by the User / Client. Deliveries will not be made on Sundays and holidays, therefore, for the granted periods, only business days must be taken into account. For reasons of care and security for our clients, a data validation will be carried out. The delivery date will start to run from the result of said validation. The User / Client is recommended to review the product that has no scratches or bumps from the transfer, before signing the delivery agreement. Also, at the time of delivery of the purchased product, the person receiving the product will be asked for a document that identifies it (National Identity Document or Identity Card). Likewise, the recipient must sign the receipt with the clarification of the name and document.
- Changes and returns: It is necessary that the product is in perfect condition, with accessories and original packaging. In all cases, the purchase invoice must be kept (in its physical or digital version). Changes and / or returns must be made by phone at 4822-6006.
- Guarantees: The guarantee period of each product will be granted as stipulated by the manufacturer from the day of its purchase.
- It is expressly stated that the User / Client has the right to revoke the acceptance of the offer made by the Establishment, for a period of 10 (ten) calendar days, from the delivery of the good or conclusion of the contract, the latest that occurs, in the terms of the article 34º of the Law Nº 24.240 and the Resolution 906/98 of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mining.
- Intellectual Property Rights: E y G Medical System SRL is a registered trademark and all rights are reserved under law 11.723.
- Applicable law: this is governed by the laws of the Argentine Republic.